The type of disease depends on the parts of your body that are affected. These conditions can coexist, although this is not common

Your digestive system - The Gut 

Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Diseases - EGIDs

Eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseases, or disorders, as often used interchangeably, (EGIDs) are a group of eosinophilic associated conditions such as oesophagitis, gastritis, enteritis, and colitis affecting gastro intestines. Diagnosis and treatment pathway depend on the location of the increased eosinophils and symptoms. 

Upper Gut (Oesophagus)

What is the Oesophagus? 

The oesophagus (esophagus in American English) is a muscular tube-like structure that connects the throat (pharynx) to the stomach. Its main function is to transport food and liquids from the mouth to the stomach for digestion. Commonly speaking, it's a pipe or tube that food and liquids, including saliva, should normally pass through.

Eosinophilic Oesophagitis is the most common and recognised EGID, affecting 1 in 1500 people.

Eosinophils in the oesophagus cause chronic inflammation, making the normal actions of swallowing, eating and drinking difficult. The symptoms present differently in children and adults. They can increase slowly over time from being a fussy eater as a child to eventually food getting stuck in teens and adults. Often, people unconsciously try to cope by drinking lots of water with their food or over-chewing.

Learn about EoE Eosinophilic Oesophagitis

Personal journeys of living with EoE:

Read Stella's Story  Read Becky's Story  Read Pennie's Story

Lower Gut (Below The Oesophagus or Non-Oesophageal)

EGIDs below the oesophagus are rarer than EoE and are often described as lower gut or non-oesophageal diseases. Obtaining a diagnosis can be difficult. Unfortunately, unlike the Oesophagus, the lower part of the gut naturally has some eosinophils, even in a healthy person. Research has not yet concluded on an internationally agreed figure for the raised levels of eosinophils in diagnosing EGIDs.

They are also diagnosed and treated according to symptoms and the location where the levels of eosinophils are elevated:

  • EoG Eosinophilic Gastritis: stomach
  • EoN Eosinophilic Enteritis: small bowel (or small intestine)
  • EoC Eosinophilic Colitis: large intestine (or colon)

What is the Small Bowel?

The small bowel, also known as the small intestine, is a crucial part of the digestive system located between the stomach and the large intestine (colon). It plays a central role in the absorption of nutrients from the food we eat.

It is around 20 feet long in adults and is divided into three segments: the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.

After the nutrients are absorbed, the remaining undigested food, waste products, and water move into the large intestine for further processing and eventual elimination from the body. The proper functioning of the small bowel is essential for maintaining good health and ensuring the body receives the necessary nutrients from our food.

What is the Colon?

The colon, also known as the large intestine, is a part of the digestive system located after the small bowel. It is responsible for further processing the remaining undigested food, absorbing water, and forming stool or faeces.

The colon is about 5 feet long and consists of several segments.

In the colon, the remaining material undergoes fermentation by gut bacteria, producing certain vitamins and gases. The colon also absorbs additional water from the waste, turning it into a more solid form. The formed stool is then stored in the rectum until it is ready to be eliminated from the body during a bowel movement. Proper colon functioning is essential for regular bowel movements and overall digestive health.

Learn about lower gut EGIDs

Beyond the Gut

Eosinophilic Disease is often found in those with a family history of allergic diseases such as rhinitis, asthma and/or eczema.

Other Eosinophilic Associated Diseases - EADs

Non-gastrointestinal EADs are an area of evolving research. Around the world, researchers are studying other medical conditions and their connection to eosinophils. As such, the list of associated diseases is growing currently:


The most common EAD is a rare form of severe Asthma 

EA Eosinophilic Asthma:  Read Jeff's Story

Blood and Any Organ

HES Hypereosinophilic Syndrome:  Read Jake's Story

Lungs, sinuses, heart, various organ systems

EGPA Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis - Formerly Churg-Strauss Syndrome

There is still much to learn about EGID’s for improved diagnosis, treatments and one day a CURE!

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