Medical Advisors Professor Stephen Attwood Dr Marcus Auth Dr Evan Dellon Dr Efrem Eren Dr Jamal Hayatt Hannah Hunter Duncan Judd Carol Read RN Dr Sarmed Sami Medical Advisor - Professor Stephen Attwood, Durham University Stephen is a surgeon in the UK who identified Eosinophilic Oesophagitis (EoE) in 1987 (first abstract published 1989). He has since been involved in the care of patients with EoE for 30 years, and is author of a number of papers and guidelines on the condition. Stephen is an Honorary Professor in Health Services Research at Durham University, and a retired Consultant Gastro-Intestinal Surgeon, specialising in Upper GI and Minimally Invasive Surgery at Northumbria Healthcare Trust. He has been Chairman of the Oesophageal Section of British Society of Gastroenterology, a member of the Guts-UK (previously Core) Research Awards Committee and an advisor to NICE on Interventional Devices in Gastroenterology. Currently, Stephen is the UK Chief Investigator for a Phase 3 clinical trial on drug therapy for Eosinophilic Oesophagitis. He has a wide range of other research interests in diseases of the oesophagus. He chairs the Data Monitoring Committee of two national trials: BEST3, a study of the screening for Barrett’s Oesophagus in GP practices and Endobarrier, a UK study of endoscopic antiobesity therapy. Stephen has been part of the design and trial management of the ASPECT trial of cancer prevention in Barrett’s Oesophagus, and The LOTUS Trial. (Anti-Reflux Surgery vs PPI). His research in gastroesophageal reflux also includes studies of a neuromodulator of the lower oesophageal sphincter. Medical Advisor - Dr Marcus KH Auth MD PD FRCPCH Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist, Alder Hey Children's Hospital, Honorary Lecturer University of Liverpool, BSPGHAN EoE Working Group Chair Dr Auth is a renowned national and European and global expert, actively involved in several clinical and scientific working groups on EGID, IBD, polyposis syndromes, endoscopy, GI physiology and coeliac disease. Currently, he is a consultant in Paediatric Gastroenterology at Alder Hey Children’s NHS, Lead consultant and founder of the Northwest Network for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition - Foundation Trust, senior fellow of the Royal College of Paediatric Children Health (RCPCH) and a senior member of the British and European Societies of Paediatric Gastroenterology (BSPGHAN and ESPGHAN). Dr Auth has published more than 80 publications in peer-reviewed journals and given several hundred presentations, including national audits and international guidelines. Medical Advisor - Dr Evan Dellon, MD, MPH, Professor of Medicine and Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine in Chapel Hill Dr Dellon received his undergraduate degree from Brown University and his medical degree from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. He completed internship and residency in Internal Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital. He performed a clinical and a research fellowship in Adult Gastroenterology at UNC, during which he also received a Masters of Public Health degree in Epidemiology from the UNC School of Public Health. Dr. Dellon is Director of the UNC Center for Esophageal Diseases and Swallowing (CEDAS), and is an Associate Editor for Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Dr. Dellon’s main research interest is in the epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) and the eosinophilic GI diseases (EGIDs). The goal of his research is to improve the lives of patients with EoE and EGIDs by learning how to better diagnose, treat, and monitor the condition. He is widely published in this area, and collaborates with investigators all over the world. Dr. Dellon has received research funding from the National Institutes of Health, the American College of Gastroenterology, the American Gastroenterologic Association, the CURED Foundation, UNC, and a number of industry partners to study EoE and other EGIDs. Medical Advisor - Dr Efrem Eren, Laboratory Director and Clinical Lead, Department of Immunology, University Hospital Southampton Efrem has had a special interest in EoE since 2012, starting with 2-3 patients seen at the end of his allergy clinic and now has set up a dedicated EoE clinic with 130 patients and rising! His current research interests include identifying biomarkers of EoE disease activity, predicting triggers and complications such as fibrosis and non-invasive methods of monitoring disease activity. Medical Advisor - Dr Jamal Hayat Consultant Gastroenterologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer at St George’s University of London Dr Hayat is currently the clinical governance lead and clinic lead for endoscopy at Queen Mary’s Hospital Roehampton. He has set up and runs a specialist oesophageal clinic receiving tertiary referrals for patients with oesophageal disorders including gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, oesophageal motility disorders including achalasia, Barrett’s oesophagus and Eosinophilic Oesophagitis. He also runs the Gastro-Intestinal Physiology lab, having introduced high-resolution manometry, ambulatory pH-impedance and wireless pH monitoring. Dr Hayat trained at Imperial College School of Medicine, before completing his basic medical training in the Oxford deanery. He then returned to London to complete his specialist gastroenterology training. During this period he undertook an MD research degree into the use of advanced diagnostic techniques in gastro-intestinal disease. His work has been presented and received awards from the American Gastroenterology Association, United European Gastroenterology Association and the British Society of Gastroenterology. He is a specialist advisor for NICE on Gastro-Oesophageal reflux Disease and was a Principal Investigator in the UK for the first licensed treatment for Eosinophilic Oesophagitis. He continues to have a keen passion for teaching and research, is involved in a number of research projects across specialities as well as teaching and examining at the undergraduate medical school programme at St George’s. Medical Advisor - Hannah Hunter, Specialist Adult Allergy Dietitian, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital Hannah is a specialist allergy dietitian at Guy's Hospital in London, where she coordinates the dietary management of people with eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders. She splits her time between outpatient clinics, research, and health professional education. Hannah has over a decade of experience helping people manage their sensitivities to food and her personal experience with food allergy gives her a unique perspective into the challenges people face. She trained in Nutrition and Dietetics at King’s College London then in 2017 completed her MSc in Allergy at Imperial College London. Hannah’s research project investigated a novel dietary intervention for the management of EoE. Other research interests are peanut oral immunotherapy, lipid transfer protein allergy and pollen food syndrome. Hannah sits on the committee of the Food Allergy Specialist Group of the BDA and the BSACI council. She has contributed to multiple peer-reviewed publications including national collaborations such as BSG Guidelines for the management of EoE. Scientific Research and Drug Development Advisor - Duncan Judd, CEO of Awridian Ltd. Duncan is an experienced Medicinal Chemist in lead generation and optimisation, with a 39-year proven track record at a blue-chip Pharma. Duncan has a unique comprehension of target and compound tractability and is at the forefront of innovation in drug discovery: establishing foundations for high throughput chemistry and pivotal in compound acquisition for lead generation. He has published widely and has a strong network in the industry and established Awridian Ltd, a consultancy company, that is working with both industry and academia making a difference. Patient Advocate for Adult EOE - Carol Read RN/MSc Carol is a nurse innovator who has had extensive experience as a clinician within the NHS at Local and NHS England level, including digital health, innovation, education, intensive care, radiology and endoscopy. She has been diagnosed with EoE since 2017, after a history of the disease for over twenty years. Passionate about improving the management and diagnosis of the disease through the dual experience of clinician/patient. Carol has raised the profile of EoE and its impact on patients at International conferences such as Stanford University MedX 2018, through webinars with primary care networks and feedback on patient experience to NICE. Medical Advisor - Dr Sarmed Sami MBChB, MRCP, PGCME, PhD Associate Professor of Gastroenterology, University College London Consultant Gastroenterologist, NHS Trust Dr Sami had the privilege of training and practising medicine in three different continents! After qualifying from Baghdad Medical School in 2003, he moved to the UK where he trained in Medicine and Gastroenterology at several hospitals. He completed a 3-year prestigious National Endoscopy Research Fellowship at the NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre leading to the award of a PhD. Following which, Dr Sami undertook a 1-year advanced oesophageal fellowship at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA. He was part of a team looking after one of the largest cohorts of patients with eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE) in the world. As a result, he developed extensive knowledge and expertise in all aspects of care for those patients. Dr Sami is proud to be the recipient of several awards including the Cook Medical Marsha Dreyer award from the American Society for GI Endoscopy (ASGE); the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) out of programme award; and more recently, the Fellows-in-training award from the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG). He is also the lead author and co-author of over 40 high impact peer-reviewed publications and research abstracts in the field of Gastroenterology including the current UK guidelines on oesophageal dilatation. Manage Cookie Preferences