Professionals Resources Medical Guidelines Medical Guidelines Downloadable PDFs Please click the links to download the documents: EoE: BSG-BSPGHAN Guidelines (2022) Authors include specialists from Gastroenterology, Allergy, Dietetics, Pathology, Endoscopic Nursing and Patient Representation from EOS Network: Anjan Dhar, Hasan N Haboubi, Stephen E Attwood, Marcus K H Auth, Jason M Dunn, Rami Sweis, Danielle Morris, Jenny Epstein, Marco R Novelli, Hannah Hunter, Amanda Cordell, Sharon Hall, Jamal O Hayat, Kapil Kapur, Andrew Robert Moore, Carol Read, Sarmed S Sami, Paul J Turner and Nigel J Trudgill Cite: Dhar A, Haboubi HN, Attwood SE, et al. Gut Epub ahead of print: [please include Day Month Year]. doi:10.1136/ gutjnl-2022-327326 Previous Medical Guidelines EoE: AGA-JTF Guidelines (2020) EoE: AGREE Criteria (2018) EoE: Euro Consensus (2017) EoE: International Guideline (2011) Register with us for free and we will keep you updated with the latest medical guidelines. Manage Cookie Preferences