About Us Ethical Policy EOS Network Ethical Policy EOS Network funds research and other projects that seek to increase understanding of the causes of Eosinophilic Associated Disorders, to achieve earlier or more accurate diagnosis, or identify new treatments, reverse its effects or bring us closer to an eventual cure, with ultimate goal of improving the lives of those with Eosinophil associated diseases. In achieving these ends, it will be guided by the following principles: Ethical principles 1. EOS Network seeks to work in partnership with individuals, businesses, community organisations, social organisations and faith groups. However, we will not accept funding or other support from any entity if we judge that such a relationship will be detrimental to the independence and integrity of the research. We will also avoid association with any organisation or activity that is likely to bring the charity into disrepute. 2. EOS Network has a strict code of fundraising which is based on respect. The charity will seek to inform and invite support, but will avoid the aggressive forms of fundraising which some charities have pursued. 3. EOS Network will be open with supporters and all enquirers about our use of funds and the means by which we raise them. 4. The EOS Network Trustees and all sub-committees are bound by a conflicts of interest policy and will act at all times in the best interests of the charity. 5. EOS Network is pleased to work with commercial partners but will not endorse products directly. 6. EOS Network Research applicants will also need to meet the standards required by the ethical committees of the individual institutions in which their research is based. 7. EOS Network endorses the statement of the Association of Medical Research Charities on the use of animals in research, noting that the statement seeks to reduce and refine the use of animals and replace them where possible. 8. EOS Network believes in equal opportunities and encourages diversity through its team, trustees and supporters. 9. The EOS Network ethical policy will be displayed on the charity’s website. You can also find out more about our Fundraising Promise by visiting the link below. Read our Fundraising Promise Registered Charity 1143267 Last updated 23/01/20 ©EOS Network 2020 All rights reserved Manage Cookie Preferences