Embarking on a running journey when dealing with Eosinophilic-Associated Diseases (EADs) can seem daunting. However, with the right approach, it can become a rewarding part of your lifestyle.

Our experienced runner, Carla, who lives with Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis, shares practical tips for those looking to start running while managing EADs. Carla says running helps her to regain control of her body and feel strong and happy.

I’ve learnt the balance of understanding that this - is the condition. It is what it is. But I don’t let it control me anymore. I feel running helps me feel that I’m in control with my body; it makes me feel strong and resilient. I feel happy and alive, especially when I’m running with other runners in the community.

Carla's Tips for Running with Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis or Other Eosinophilic-Associated Diseases

1. Start off by walking at a comfortable pace, then slowly work your way into a steady jog. Walk for 2 minutes, then jog for 2 minutes and repeat. Do this a few times, increasing the distance each week to build up your fitness. 

2. Always plan your route. Ensure it is safe and accessible.

3. Consider being in public places in case you fall ill and need assistance, and try to plan routes where you know there will be toilets.

4. Carry essentials with you: water bottle; any of your treatments and food you may need; light, comfortable clothing; appropriate running trainers and emergency contact details.

5. Listen to a good podcast or music to help motivate you.

6. Stop immediately if you feel unwell and contact a friend, family member or a member of the public.

7. Join your local park run on Saturday mornings; it’s a great way to stay motivated, build some confidence and talk to others in the community.

a young woman hiking with a chronic illness

Carla during hiking with her friends

8. Take your time and don’t rush anything; allow your body to adjust to running whilst having an EOS condition, and never compare yourself to anyone else, as their journey will be different.

9. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the process. It’s rewarding when you start feeling the difference, and it will help make you feel like you are reclaiming your body back from this illness.

10. Be patient! Starting a running routine with Eosinophilic Diseases might seem challenging, but with patience, proper planning, and the right mindset, it can be an empowering journey. 

Carla's tips provide a roadmap for safely incorporating running into your life, focusing on gradual improvement, safety, and the joy of movement.

Remember to listen to your body, engage with your community, and, most importantly, enjoy every step of the way.

Feeling Inspired?

Speak with your healthcare provider before changing your diet or embarking on new physical pursuits.

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