We celebrate the 2nd annual World Eosinophilic Diseases Day on May 18, 2023, to increase global awareness of these conditions. 

Eosinophils are a type of blood cell that has a role in immune system responses to medical conditions such as infections, inflammation, and allergies, to name a few.

If a person has too many eosinophils without another known cause, it may be because of an eosinophil-associated disease (EAD).

Watch the video on Eosinophilic Associated Diseases

The diagnosis depends on where in the body the eosinophils are found, including the gastrointestinal tract, heart, sinuses, blood, lungs, bladder, and connective tissue.

Symptoms may include but are not limited to trouble swallowing, food getting stuck in the throat, stomach pain, loss of appetite or weight loss, nausea and/or vomiting, diarrhoea, chest pain, and wheezing.

Read about the symptoms of Eosinophilic Associated Diseases

Eosinophil-associated diseases are chronic conditions that require ongoing medical care. These conditions' symptoms and day-to-day management may significantly impact the quality of life.

The conditions affect both adults and children.

Download a Patient Leaflet

EOS Network is working hard to improve care and reduce diagnosis time for people affected by EADs. This year we released a special project, Eosinophilic Voices, to show how the diagnosis, treatment and care affect patients' lives and how we can improve that.

We join our efforts with other charities, healthcare professionals and organisations that care and advocate for people with EADs. 

And highlight all our achievements with thanks to our community's committed support. 

Link to UK EoE guidelines

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