This year, the EOS Network had the opportunity to participate in one of the most significant paediatric gastroenterological events in Europe and worldwide - the ESPGHAN Annual Meeting.

About EOS Network

collage of group photos of gastroenterology conference participants

EOS Network is a UK-based charity that supports the patient community with Eosinophilic-Associated Diseases (EADs). These newly recognised chronic diseases are underdiagnosed and have limited treatment options, leaving patients to manage the conditions themselves and healthcare providers needing expert guidance on assisting them.

We support patients and families, raise awareness, and educate people about these diseases.

Read about our impact.

EOS Network also connects healthcare professionals, researchers and organisations to enhance research exchange and improve patient care. 

What is the ESPGHAN Annual Meeting

a group photo featuring gastroenterologists at ESPGHAN Conference

ESPGHAN stands for the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. The Annual Meeting is crucial for the EOS Network as it is recognised as a premier gathering for those interested in paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition.

The 2024 conference was held in Milan from June 15-18, attracting over 5,600 leading experts, researchers, clinicians, and representatives from non-profits and pharma from 104 countries.

The event provided a platform for disseminating cutting-edge research, innovative treatments, and best practices in care. Participants presented over 50 posters with studies on Eosinophilic Diseases, making it a valuable source of knowledge for the EOS Network.

Participating in the ESPGHAN Annual Meeting was an exciting opportunity to learn the latest research and ask questions. It also allowed us to advocate for better care for children with Eosinophilic Diseases and significantly expand our Network, a crucial step in our mission.

Key Highlights from ESPGHAN 2024 Annual Meeting

Distributing Informational Packs to healthcare professionals

During the Meeting, we made significant progress in distributing around 100 Informational Packs and 1000 leaflets. Each Info Pack contains valuable information and tools for practices, Accidents and Emergency (A&E) rooms, and patient handouts. You can order one for your practice below or access available materials from our website:

Request Info Pack for your practice

Networking with healthcare professionals with an interest in Eosinophilic-Associated Diseases

a group photo with gastroenterologists registering at EOS Network website

Over the three days, 43 healthcare professionals from 21 countries joined our growing network of expertise! We spoke to more than 100 new practitioners from 30 countries, discussing our work and the available diagnosis and treatment guidelines and providing information packs, including patient leaflets and downloadable resources.

We were pleased to connect with professionals from Europe, the USA, Australia, and other countries, such as Armenia, Vietnam, Nigeria, Thailand, UAE, New Zealand, Ukraine, Cyprus, Serbia, Romania, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, and Montenegro.

Evidently, we need to translate materials into more languages to reach healthcare professionals and patients worldwide. Please consider donating to support our mission or volunteering if you would like to help facilitate international knowledge exchange.

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Volunteer to translate materials

Attending meetings dedicated to Eosinophilic Diseases

a photo of eosinophilic diseases lecture

Session on AI in EoE led by Salvatore Oliva, Specialist in Paediatrics specialised in Paediatric Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy, Policlinico Umberto I - Sapienza University of Rome

The rich ESPGHAN program hosted multiple interactive sessions, and thanks to our team's recent expansion, we could participate in some of them, spending 20 hours in meetings to learn about the latest research on Eosinophilic Diseases.

a photo of two EOS Network team members in branded t-shirt exhibiting on event

Karen Tedder-Ward, EOS Network Fundraising Officer:

"As a new employee of EOS Network, attending ESPGHAN was a really useful and interesting insight for me into the vital work that the organisation is doing to raise awareness and build networks and relationships with healthcare professionals. During this extremely busy event, we spoke to a wide range of people from over 30 countries. Many of these registered with us and took information packs. I found this was a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the organisation's work and build relationships with the team."

Learning about the latest research to share it with our Network

We were pleased to see many studies on Eosinophilic Diseases at the ESPGHAN 56th Annual Meeting. The studies covered diverse and exciting areas such as biomarkers, microbiome, genetics, the impact of environmental factors, dietary treatments, the long-term effects of swallowed topical steroids, and novel biological treatments. These advancements reflect the ongoing commitment to understanding and improving the management of Eosinophilic Diseases.

EOS Network contributed to two abstracts on transition services and EoE management (see below).

eosinophilic diseases research posters BSPGHAN ESPGHAN

Eosinophilic Diseases Posters developed by the BSPGHAN Working Group for the 2024 ESPGHAN Annual Meeting.

Watch the video from Abstract Hall at the ESPGHAN Annual Meeting with Amanda Cordell:

Meeting with the Council and the President of ESPGHAN

It was a pleasure meeting with the ESPGHAN Council and President Ulrich Baumann to discuss Eosinophilic Diseases and our efforts to improve care.

Introducing the new Guidelines for Childhood Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders Beyond EoE by ESPGHAN/NASPGHAN 

Dr. Alexandra Papadopoulou presenting at ESPGHAN Annual Meeting

Alexandra Papadopoulou MD, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, First Department of Pediatrics, University of Athens, Children's Hospital Agia Sofia, Athens, Greece, is presenting the new joint ESPGHAN NASPGHAN Guidelines for Childhood Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders Beyond EoE. ESPGHAN 56th Annual Meeting, 2024.

During the Annual Meeting, Alexandra Papadopoulou, Chair of the ESPGHAN EGID Committee, presented new joint ESPGHAN / NASPGHAN (North American Paediatric Society for Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition) guidelines on Non-Eosinophilic Oesophagitis (Non-EoE) EGIDs in childhood. 

These guidelines provide information on the current concept of non-EoE EGIDs, including disease pathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic and disease surveillance procedures, and current treatment options.

The joint working group developed 34 statements based on available evidence and 41 recommendations based on expert opinion and best clinical practices

Learn more about the new ESPGHAN/NASPGHAN Guidelines

Listen to ESPGHAN's podcast episode with Alexandra Papadopoulo, "Pitfalls in the diagnosis and management of children with non-EoE EGIDs", to learn more about the development of the Guidelines:

Helping one more patient family while heading home

eosinophilic diseases charity with a patient holding informational pack

On our way back to the UK, we spotted a quirky pink flamingo toy at the airport that appeared to have swallowing issues. With the toy, we recorded a video about the importance of biopsies in diagnosing EoE.

After a brief discussion, we decided to buy it to represent these symptoms, making them easier for people to visualise.

At the till, Amanda, holding our very last Info Pack, tried to explain the toy's significance to the cashier. The cashier mentioned she wasn't fluent in English but spoke Ukrainian. Fortunately, Olena, our communications officer, speaks Ukrainian.

While chatting with the cashier, Olena discovered that this young woman, her mother, and her grandmother also live with Eosinophilic Oesophagitis (EoE). What a coincidence!

Naturally, we gave her our last Info Pack and invited her to register and join our Community Chats, promising to assist with translations if needed. 

Amanda Cordell at paediatric gastroenterology conference

Amanda Cordell, CEO and Founder of EOS Network:

"This highlights how important it is to talk about EoE and the symptoms. You never know who you may be able to help... It's more common than you think - Amanda Cordell, CEO and Founder of EOS Network."

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