News and Events News and Research Jorveza NICE UK Approval England and Wales' National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has approved Jorveza® budesonide orodispersible tablet for the treatment of Eosinophilic Oesophagitis (EoE) in adults. NICE joins Scotland and Canada's healthcare authorities in recommending Jorveza as a treatment option, which is the first drug to be specifically approved for EoE. Full UK Guidance NICE's full online resource can be found via the link below. This includes: Guidance Tools and Resources Information for the Public Evidence NICE Jorveza Guidance It will next be reviewed in 2024. Our community's role EOS Network submitted patient community experience comments and was invited to attend the appraisal to advocate on the challenges of not having an approved treatment for patients with EoE. We are pleased that the committee heard and recognised the daily difficulties faced by eosinophilic patients and their families, and once again want to thank all our members who have helped by sharing their voices and experiences. What does this all mean for patients? The NICE application was for adults to receive a 6 to 12-week course of treatment, due to the long term study data not being available when this application was originally made. As per our previous updates, the appraisal was delayed for 12 months during covid, subsequently, the maintenance data became available but unfortunately changing the application would have required a new submission and further delay. We are delighted that this first stage of recommendation has now been completed which over the next few months will enable adult patients to access this treatment via the NHS. We are currently waiting for further updates on the additional NICE application for Jorveza to be recommended/funded as a long term maintenance treatment for EoE within NHS care. We will keep you posted on this and the ongoing paediatric treatment study. You should discuss any ongoing concerns, treatment plan or increase in symptoms at the end of your course with your healthcare provider. Manage Cookie Preferences