Upcoming EoE Guidelines

With the new EoE Guidelines publication due to be released in time to be presented at the British Society for Gastroenterology - BSG Live Annual Meeting (20 - 23 June), we are delighted to announce that EOS Network will be exhibiting at the event for the first time.

It is estimated to have over 2,000 gastroenterology specialists attending. This is the perfect opportunity to increase patient access to EoE expertise.

Professor Dhar told us his inspiration and motivation for leading the guidelines were:

"The lack of evidence based guidelines for the management of patients with Eosinophilic Oesophagitis made it obvious that we needed to create a practical and pragmatic document to assist colleagues to diagnose and treat these patients effectively. As a clinician with a specialist interest in this field, I felt that I should take ownership to create a group to write them, and do my bit for our patients with EoE."

EOS Network has provided the patient's voice alongside an EoE patient and 17 multidisciplinary paediatric and adult experts, covering gastroenterology, dietetics, allergy and pathology.

Guideline authors:

Ajan Dhar, Hasan Haboubi, Stephen Attwood, Marcus Auth, Jason Dunn, Rami Sweis, Danielle Morris, Jenny Epstein, Marco Novelli, Hannah Hunter, Amanda Cordell, Sharon Hall, Jamal Hyatt Kapil Kapur, Andrew Moore, Carol Read, Sami Sarmed, Paul Turner and Nigel Trudgill.

The process took 3 years during a global pandemic with only 2 face to face meetings; the EoE guidelines contain 20,000 words, 63 statements, 246 references. An amazing accomplishment that will improve the patient's journey!

During the conference, we will be inviting attendees to register with our growing professional network to receive both patient and professional EoE resources to support these new standards of diagnosis and care.

Where to find us

Joining us during the course of the event will be the Guideline committee chair Prof Anjan Dhar and other co-authors, including EOS Network Chair and patient advocate Amanda Cordell.

If you are a professional attending, please note the Guidelines will be included in Oesophageal Section on Tuesday and we hope you will come along to our stand and say hello!

Find out more about BSG Live '22 and register here