We have been closely following the launch of Jorveza, the first licensed drug specifically approved for the treatment of adults with eosinophilic oesophagitis originally reported in Pharma Times October 2018 Read More

Jorveza is designed to reach and treat the affected areas of oesophageal inflammation and research showed that over a twelve-week treatment period 85% of patients using Jorveza achieved complete remission from their condition. This effectiveness together with its ease of use as a once a day, tablet that dissolves on your tongue made the story welcome news.

Read Here A review of the latest evidence by 

Stephan Miehlke , Alfredo J. Lucendo, Alex Straumann, Albert Jan Bredenoord and Stephen Attwood

The availability of Jorveza as an EoE treatment

During the last 3 years mainland Europe, UK, Australia and Canada have been processing applications for funding approval in order for adult patients to access this new treatment.

An important part of EOS Networks role is to ensure the patient's voice is heard when authorities are accessing how new medications may affect the patient's experience when living with eosinophilic oesophagitis.

Unfortunately, Covid-19 has caused some delays due to the shutdown of government offices and the natural prioritisation Covid-19 treatment applications.

However, during this period, we are pleased to say that further research has been completed for the long-term use of Jorveza as a maintenance therapy rather than just a twelve-week treatment. 

Ongoing Paediatric studies are to be announced later this year.

Latest Accessibility Updates (29/7/21)


With thanks to our community’s experience survey, we completed patient experience submissions for both NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Evidence) England and SMC (Scottish Medicines Committee) and CADTH (Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies).

England and Wales

As of the 23rd June 2021, Jorveza has been recommended by NICE as a 6 to 12 week treatment for EoE. We attended the appraisal and spoke representing our communities voice, we are delighted that the committee heard and recognised the challenges faced by Eosinophilic patients and their families. Due to the application process, an additional application was required to review a further recommendation for long term maintenance treatment and we will keep you updated on the progress of this application.

Full advice document

Link to all guidance and documents including EOS Network patient group submission


As of 12th October 2020 SMC (Scottish Medicines Committee) has recommended Joveza for acute and maintenance treatment.

Full advice document 

Decision Explained: public information summary including EOS Network patient group submission


AUSEE have prepared their patient submissions for HTA review estimated April 2021


Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) 9th Dec 2020 has recommended with conditions 

Full recommendation document 

See all review documents including EOS Network patient group submission 

Mainland Europe  

Whilst the European Medical Agency has licensed approval for safety and efficacy, access to the treatment is subject to country-specific funding and should be discussed with the local healthcare provider.

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